Jan Bhawna Foundation Provide Vocational training
Vocational education is related to the age-old apprenticeship system of learning. Apprenticeships are designed for many levels of work from manual trades to high knowledge work. In India Vocational training is provided on a full-time as well as part-time basis.
Environment awareness Program Provide By Jan Bhawna Foundation
Objective of creating environmental awareness at the national level. Our main Objective is organizing environmental awareness activities and campaigns for pre-defined target groups; Foundation focuses on activities which help us to increasing Environmental education and training.
Counselling Program for Nashamukti by JanBhawna Foundation
We use very effective medicines to treat those patients who are addicted for long time and take Alcohol, Gutka, Charas & others in more quantity. As the medicines are tasteless and colorless, these are easy to consume. Foundations main aim is enable persons dependent on alcohol and drugs, to recover and lead a sober life, involving a team of professionals in the treatment and rehabilitation.